Private Agency Parking Enforcement Program

By Erna Malcolm The City of Edmonton wants to raise awareness about the Private Agency Parking Enforcement program, which gives private condominiums, management companies, shopping malls, hospitals, and post-secondary institutions the authority to issue City of Edmonton tickets on their property. What is the Private Agency Parking Enforcement program? The Private Agency Parking Enforcement program is…

How to Create Awesome Board Meetings

by Gord Sheppard 1. Smile – Because you volunteer for an effective Board that is knowledgeable easily gets things done? 2. Bite Your Lip – Because you don’t want to say anything bad about someone who said they would get something done after the last meeting and they didn’t? 3. Scream Out Loud – Because…

Top 10 List For Successful Board Meetings

This List Originally Appeared in the 2017 Winter Issue of Insite to Condos Ask board members, the condo manager and others that are involved in the meeting to submit agenda items before the meeting day. Set a clear deadline for submission, for example one week prior to the meeting. This will ensure everyone will have…