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What’s Going On Up There? (Webinar)

Monday, March 14th, 2022

NOON – 1:00 PM

$25 (plus GST) – CCI Members

$50 (plus GST) – General Public

What are the questions that Property Managers, Condo Boards, and Tenants really need to be asking when it comes to roof maintenance and repair?

Join us for our latest CCI North Alberta webinar, for a little Commercial Roofing 101 (just the basics, of course). Doug Rossum, Technical Representative from Alberta Roofing Contractors Association (ARCA) will lead us through an overview of ARCA’s history, role and services, and answer all of your top questions.

Also on the agenda

  • Case Study: How an incorrectly diagnosed roof issue can lead to larger problems
  • ARCA Standards Manual. What is it and why does it matter?
  • Qualifications for contractors and inspectors. Who should you let up on your roof and why?
  • ARCA Warranty program
  • Roof Maintenance and inspection
  • Navigating our website to find the information you need.

PRESENTER: Doug Rossum, Technical Representative, Alberta Roofing Contractors Association

Any questions please contact Beverley at info@ccinorthalberta.com or call our office at 780.453.9004