Preparing Your Condominium’s Reserve Fund Study (CCI Luncheon)
Wednesday, January 18th, 2023
11:00 AM – 2:00 PM
NAIT Productivity and Innovation Centre – 10210 Princess Elizabeth Ave NW
$125 (plus GST) – CCI Members
$225 (plus GST) – General Public
$75 (plus GST) – for Additional CCI Members*
*Come as a group! First CCI Member must register using the $125 ticket and all other additional CCI Members attending with that person can register using the $75 ticket.
Join us for a working luncheon to learn all about the requirements of a reserve fund study and how your condominium corporation can prepare.The expert team from Morrison Hershfield and Condominium Community Resource Centre will be on hand to help you understand all about the requirements of a reserve fund study and how your condominium corporation can prepare for the practical applications.
This will be a participatory in-person workshop, so bring your working hats and your fellow condo board members to not only learn how you need to prepare for an upcoming reserve fund study but also start to create a strategic approach for your corporation to prioritize and plan around what might emerge from your reserve fund study.
Note that parking is FREE for this event thanks to our Parking Sponsor, Morrison Hershfield.
- 11:00am – Doors Open & Registration
- 11:30am – Session Introductions
- 11:45am – Lunch is Served, Kick-Off Presentation
- 12:15pm – Reserve Fund Study Workshop
- 2:00pm – Session Close
Register Now
Thank you to our Luncheon Sponsor
Thank you to our Parking sponsor
Safety Measures:
The following safety measures continue to be strongly recommended and are encouraged for attendees. Monitor your personal health on a daily basis and stay home when you’re unwell. If you experience COVID-19 symptoms or test positive, we ask that you remain at home to prevent transmission. Please contact the CCI office if you are unable to attend and we will coordinate possible alternate arrangements to reschedule or refund your course.