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Implementing Electric Vehicle Charging in Condos (Webinar)

Wednesday, February 9th, 2022

NOON – 1:00 PM

$25 (plus GST) – CCI Members

$50 (plus GST) – General Public

With the increasing number of electric vehicles on the roads, our parkades are changing, and we expect our homes to change with it. As a Condo Board, where do you start?

This presentation will highlight what Condo Boards need to consider with respect to policy and electrical capacity, when it comes to the assessment, installation and the long term advantage of EV charging in multi-unit buildings. Speaking to both EV owners and Non-EV owners, we’ll dig into the ifs-ands-or-buts on the process, costs, and how you can go from thinking about EV charging to charging cars.

EV charging doesn’t have to be complicated.

PRESENTER: Glen Gordon

Any questions please contact Beverley at info@ccinorthalberta.com or call our office at 780.453.9004